viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2019

Post 5, A future job

I'm not sure specifically about what is my ideal job, but surely it's related to the environmental area. Since I entered in geography, I'm feeling interested in the hidric area, specially in water management and glaciology. This interest was born from the climatic emegency, that I found and learned a few years ago. The protection of ecosystems are another topic of my interests, maybe a park ranger it would be a cool job. I imagine my self in a job or investigations with a lot of field research, because I don't like indoor jobs, I get bored easily inside an office. Of course I'd like to travel in my job (for the outdoor side), and also try to combine my job with mountaineering and hiking, it would be ideal for me.I'm not looking for a big salary, just the enough money to living well, without big luxury. Right now, I would like to study the glaciers and rivers, and find the instruments to defend the water resources that are left in us (all inside the climatic and water crisis in Chile and lot of places in the world), I think is a good way to help the people who lives in isolated areas, that are usually affected by the pillage of the water.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi companion of glaciers ajaja I think like you about the type of work on more environmental issues.

  2. Working with the water resource is quite interesting today. I recommend you take the elective courses related to these topics

  3. jajajaj only geography coments.... Enviromental crisis its something that we need to take over, proud of your intentions myfriend.

  4. It's fun because there are only geography comments and I don't understand anything about it, but... I like water and help the planet too LOL
