viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

Post 7, Bucket list

Hi again classmates. This time I have to talk a bucket list.
Curiously, I never thaught about a bucket list, but maybe it's a good idea, it's cool starting creating one. The things that I want today are usually non-ordinary experiences; related to sports, music, travels and strange activities. I'm very close to reach one of them, that is donate my hair to a cancer fundation, ideally to help a child who's going throught this illness. Talking about sports, climbing in ice or in a glacier it's something that I want to try someday. Maybe the only one that I really made it's to start training martial arts, but reach a black belt level could be a new goal. Talking about other activities, travel into entire Asia would be an insane experience, meeting new and totally different cultures and people had alroused my interest; but it would be difficult to achieve this, travel in a entire continent it's really expensive. I was thinking about wich person I'd like to share these activities, and depends of every context, maybe friends, family; but surely people that I love and I trust at 100%.
Sincerely, a bucket list It's not important at all in my life, because with every passing year is totally different to the rest, and everything turns really different comparing to the past, including desires, goals, etc (at least it's something that mark you for entire life).

5 comentarios:

  1. I'm agree but i think we had some buckets who never changes, you only had to found. I love Asia!

  2. I'm letting my hair grow because I also would like to donate it!

  3. I think that you're right, a bucket list is not that important but it is important have goals!

  4. Omgg you're a nice person :') send picture if someday you can donate your hair

  5. youre right maybe you dont need a bucket list, but goals are for reach them!
